Aren't you excited?! Tuesday is my only day of the week that I have to myself. Now, I know that sounds very selfish, but I really don't have much time for...well, just to do what I want to do. Between working part time, babysitting, sewing and just being a wife mom and Mimi I stay pretty busy.
I know that life is not about what I want to do, but isn't it nice to just have a day now and then when you can put everything else aside and do the things that you've been wanting to do? Let me know if it ever comes, ok?
So, on this Tuesday I'm going to sew. Sewing is something I really enjoy. (Yesterday I had to buy a new machine. My old one died. Just
gave up. That's pretty traumatic for me, but I found one and today will be finding out if it's a keeper. Thankfully I have two months in home to decide. Isn't that wonderful? Especially if you're not good with decisions, but I'm rambling again.) I'm working on curtains, a car seat cover for a sweet friend, alterations, a diaper bag, monogramming bags for Cubbies, two Buggy Buddies and some more Christmas shirts to put in the shop. It's a blessing to have this much work to do, and a family who needs me to be there for them.
One day I won't be able to do all this. And I will miss it.
Enjoy your Tuesday, just because you can!
God Bless you as you serve Him and your family and friends.