Those of you who follow Charissa know that she recently graduated from Athens State with a degree in Elementary Education. Yea-Charissa!! You Rock!! Anyway for graduation she got a Netbook from Grandma DeeDee, whom we all love! So, she's been telling me she would like to have a cover to protect it but I hadn't really had the time to make it for her until...last night! I finally got my sewing room cleaned up and somewhat organized and after seeing Myra's cute little cover, I put this together for her finishing it today with some buttons. I'm loving the buttons right now, can you tell?
So what do you think Charissa? Do you like it???? I hope so. (Actually, she did like it, that's why I finished it.) Pretty good fit too, considering I had never laid eyes on a netbook, huh? It's about 8"x11" more or less. It's drapery weight fabric on the outside and lined with a quilted fabric. The flap is a separate piece that I added, to give it some definition. I would have monogrammed it, but I wasn't sure she would like it, or that it would even fit.
So what about the rest of ya'll? What do you think? Come on, I know you're out there, let me know what you think. Any improvements you would make?
Here are our graduate and Grandma DeeDee with Jacob. Did I mention that it was freezing that day? And that Charissa was 'bout dead with the crud? It was worth it though. Grandma Didi earned that diploma!