On Saturday we had a lot of fun! We made family pictures of the cousins, a tradition started when there were only two little boys who were less than 2 years old. This year we had 10 children in the pictures! We now have 6 boys and four girls, aged from 3 months up to Andrew, who at the ripe old age of 8 is the oldest in the group.
This started as a way for young parents to give a unique one of a kind gift to their Mawmaw without a lot of expense, since they didn't have much to spend on gifts. After all, only parents can give the gift of their children to us doting grandparents. Mawmaw is my hubby's Mom and Great-Grandmother to all these children.
As more of the grandchildren have had children of their own they've gotten in on the picture too.
Last year my sister-in-law Sandra decided that her gift to the children would be a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese after pictures were made. It turned out to be a big hit with the kiddos! They all loved it and so did the parents.
Now this picture taking event doesn't go off without a few bumps. There are children from 5 different families and as I mentioned before there is a big age spread. So any given year there is someone who doesn't want to have his/her picture made. And did I mention the meltdowns? That just adds to the fun. All the Moms need to come prepared to be in the picture, just in case. Bless her heart, Heather didn't think she would have to be in the picture again this year. Maybe next year.
You should have been here! A big time was had by all. Well, by most, anyway!Here are a few of the pics I took. We had 5 or 6 cameras going, so we're hoping to get a few good shots.
Merry Christmas Mawmaw!!

Aw, such precious pictures!!! They are adorable children!