Today will be a very busy day for us. Lord willing, we will be leaving early tomorrow morning to go to Pigeon Forge! I'm so excited!! We will ride the Harley, and I love it!
There's nothing like it! But before we can go there are a lot of things that have to be done. I really have to clean this house, at least a little bit. I hate coming home to a messy house. Then there's the dog (we'll talk more about her later) who will be visiting at Joey and Starr's house while we're gone. Gotta go to the drugstore, there's a BIG sale at a local fabric store that I'm just dying to check out, laundry, etc., etc., there are always too many things to get done. Then, the fun part. My grandbabies are coming this evening!! We haven't seen the three older boys for 2 weeks and I'm having withdrawal! Jackson is here a lot, but the other three are further away and have been sick. They won't be here for long, but I can't wait to see them.
While we're gone, the New Adventure gets even more exciting! Myra will begin the giveaway on her blog! Don't forget to check it out! If you have any questions while we're gone Charissa will be taking care of things and I'll check in when I can.
I can't wait to see the mountains again. God's word tells us that "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof". That just means it all belongs to Him! It's not ours, we just get to enjoy it this brief time we're here. He made it to bring honor and glory to Himself. Have you ever noticed that trees and flowers and mountains and the ocean don't waste time trying to be something that they're not? That's how they honor Him. Just being what they were created to be. Why don't we do that more?
It's always good for me to be there, in the quiet majesty of the mountains. To watch the river run, see the waterfalls, admire His handiwork, just soak it all in. My desire is to honor God with my life. I want people to see Jesus in me and come to know Him better. If I would get out of the way more, they could. It's a daily renewing my mind, surrendering my life to Him. It's His anyway and He can do more with it than I ever could! God always speaks to me there, in His mountains. Maybe more so there because I'm not so busy I can't hear Him! We try to be too many things to too many people, try to accomplish too many things at one time. Even in our prayer time we tend to do most of the talking, cause we have to get on to the next thing. We need to "be still, and know that I AM GOD", Amen? Take some time today to just be still and know. Get into His Word and let Him speak to your heart. You'll be glad you did. See you soon!
Debbie, these are wonderful thoughts to meditate on. Thanks for sharing them and I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing vacation! :)