Sunday, September 20, 2009


Frustration. defines frustration as: a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.

Am I the only one who gets so totally frustrated that the brain doesn't work sometimes? Surely not, but I do get frustrated!

The problem is not really in the being frustrated, it's my response to it. (Mostly I tend to speak harshly to inantimate objects.) That doesn't seem too harmful, but it's so needless. Such a waste of time. Life happens, things are going to be frustrating, for various reasons. Sometimes it's other people that frustrate us, sometimes we get in over our heads in a project which can bring on dissatisfaction and sometimes we just try to do too many things at one time and that brings on frustration.

Psalm 46:10 gives me the answer for frustration.

"Be still and know that I am God". That says it all, doesn't it?

Verse 1 of that chapter says "God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble."

I have found that to be true. When I'm feeling overcome by frustration (trouble) I can run into that Refuge and Strength. He knows why I'm frustrated and He is the answer!

There is no need for a child of the King to have anxiety, unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems. There is help.

Be still and Know. Rest in our refuge and strength. Let the frustration go.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! We read that psalm in church yesterday morning. It came back to me later in the day when I realized (and freaked out) that I hadn't felt Lily move all day. I prayed that God would truly make my heart still and that I would know that He is every situation. Of course everything turned out ok. We went to Mom & Dad's for supper and I laid down and she started moving a little. I guess she's growing and needs lots of sleep! :)
    Thanks for sharing this!


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