Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is Andrew. Firstborn son of our firstborn son. First grandchild, first great-grandchild. He's such a special little man! Incredibly intelligent, inquisitive and loving. He is such a good brother to his two younger siblings and such a handsome little pirate! This picture is from last halloween, they were all pirates. Andrew was Captain, of course. Gotta love the mustache!
Andrew has been attending Awana at church since he was four years old. He can name all the books of the Bible, old and new testaments. Can you?
He has an incredible Sunday School teacher and two incredible assistant teachers. (Thank you Ms. Darlene, Ms. Mary and Mr. Glenn!) They teach their class the books of the Bible along with the FAITH outline, complete with the scripture verses. What that means is that when these children come out of this class to move up to the next class, they not only know how to be saved, they are equipped to lead someone else to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. Do you know Christ as your personal Savior? The most important question you will ever answer is the question that Jesus asked his disciples:
"Who do you say that I am?"

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! I'm sure he makes his grandma proud! :)


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