Saturday, October 24, 2009

Motorcycle Riding

Today my DH and I went for a ride on the Harley. IT WAS COLD!!!
The original plan was to ride towards the mountains to look at the leaves changing colors. I so enjoy riding on the motorcycle and I do so love the mountains and of course I SO enjoy seeing what God does in His creation (Don't you just love how He redecorates every season?) But as I get older, I don't so much love the cold!
I forgot to take my camera with us, so I don't have any pics. Not that I would have taken them anyway because I was too cold to take the gloves off! Remind me to buy new gloves.
Now, we have headed to the beach in February when the weather was very cold. Like 25 degrees with a wind chill of 70mph (or whatever speed we were going). That's cold. That may even border on crazy.
Today was supposed to be cool with clouds in the morning, clearing by 10 or so and warming up. Well not where we were! Just goes to show, no one can really forcast the weather. Only God knows what the weather is going to do.
We shortened our trip. We went through Guntersville, up to almost Fort Payne, over the mountain at Skyline (did I mention COLD) to Fayetteville and down Intersatate 65 home. We were home by 4pm! And I was ok with that! Really would have enjoyed the mountains and a weekend getaway but...maybe next time!
By the way, the leaves are gorgeous in spots but not all over. Valhermosa Springs, Lacey's Spring have pretty good color. Not so much around the Guntersville area, SPECTACULAR in the Skyline area. If you haven't taken the ride to Skyline I would highly recommend it. We stopped at the Walls of Jericho trailhead, but didn't hike.
I hope it's warmer tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend!
Don't forget to take time to worship God and thank Him for all your blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got to have a little time away enjoying God's creation...even if you were freezing! I don't know that I would've made it...can't stand the cold! :) I've never been to Skyline. It sounds beautiful though!


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