Friday, February 12, 2010

Finer Things Friday ~ Routine


Routines are lifesavers.  They make it so that I don’t have to spend all morning reminding the boys to brush their teeth for the 567th time.  Or ask Andrew if he feed the cats on his way running out the door. 

Routines have saved me from completely losing my mind between raising three sons, loving on my husband, working, running an Etsy shop (had to fit in here somewhere – Ha!), and life in general.

Routines are great, but they have to be used and done so everyday.  I recommend starting small and building up.  At our house, the only routine that is used everyday is the morning routine.  Each morning the kids get up and do their “morning stuff.”  No nagging needed. 

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Here’s Andrew’s routine:

-Up (You are probably thinking Thank you, Captain Obvious, but you have to get up and do so on time!)

-Make Bed

-Brush Teeth

-Put away clean clothes

-Pick out clothes to wear


-Get dressed

-Feed cats

So for me, having a routine (especially a morning routine) is truly a Finer Thing!

To read about more Finer Things or to link up your own, visit Amy’s Finer Things.


  1. We're just getting started on routines with our 16 month old! He wakes and plays quietly on his own (if he wakes up too early) in his crib. Next is a diaper change, time to brush teeth, and time to make breakfast. He is starting to tell me what comes next!

  2. I desperately need to set up "routine" charts for my kiddos. It would make the mornings and evenings smoother for all of us!


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