Top Ten Tuesday is so much fun! Visit Oh Amanda for more Top Ten Tuesday Fun.
This week I have been contemplating what I could share with ya’ll. What top ten would be interesting? And fun. And informative. Well, maybe not too informative. And then I thought of it. A top ten Tuesday of thankfulness.
We are so very blessed. We have been given so much more than we will ever deserve so today, I want to share some of the things I am thankful for.
1. Salvation
The Bible tells us that “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. God loved us even before the world was formed. That is amazing and mind blowing to me. I am thankful everyday for my salvation and that Jesus died on the cross for me. Not because I did anything special, not because I am a good person, not because I give to others, just because He loves me. He loves you like that too, I hope you know.
2. My Husband
My husband, Josh, is a wonderful man. He enjoys taking the kids to extracurricular activities and practicing for baseball. He makes sure that everyone at our house is well taken care of. He works hard and goes to work even when he doesn’t want to. After almost 9 years of marriage, I love him more now than when I married him.
3. My Three Sons
My boys are all-boy, but they are good boys. I am thankful everyday for them and for the perspective they are teaching me. Each one is different and has the personality to prove it. They are such a blessing! :)
4. Birthdays
We are entering birthday season at my house. We have a birthday every month. Someone has a special day every month in our family. Right now, I am especially thankful for birthdays because there are only two options, either you are aging or you are dying. There is no pause button. We don’t get to stop where we are or rewind. Having a birthday means that you are moving forward.
5. Living Room Messes
If you come to my house unannounced (and some times if you give me warning), there will probably, most likely, almost definitely be toys scattered in the living room. We spend a lot of time together in the living room. The boys don’t play in their rooms alone a lot. They prefer to be in the living room. Building a railway, playing with blocks, throwing the ball (but if Mom is looking – rolling the ball), reading a book, or making a “house” behind the chair. These messes don’t aggravate me.
The boys will clean the living room when it is time, but for now, they are a constant reminder that our house is full of life. Life from three little people that will one day be grown men. When they are grown, I will have a clean living room, but for now, bring on the railroads, pretend houses, and legos.
6. Coupons
Snagging a deal makes me happy! When I have a coupon and there is a sale, it is exciting! Knowing that I paid less for a name brand than I would have for the store brand brings joy to my heart. Coupons make this possible. I enjoy matching coupons to sales, but I love to go to Southern Savers and make my printable shopping list. There are lots of other deal bloggers that I love to follow as well.
7. Online Friends
Thanks to the Internet, blogs, and Twitter, I have “met” some FABULOUS people! It is encouraging to hear from others and learn from their stories. Wanna chat on Twitter sometime – Join the conversation - @mimisbabiesetsy .
8. Marsha Barton Photography
Marsha Barton Photography is AMAZING! She takes amazing pictures and I love her motto - “You pick the spot…I’ll take the shot.” Her goal is to get away from the dry studio feel of most photographers. Marsha is a wonderful person and friend. I would highly recommend checking out her website. Most of the pictures in our Etsy Shop are from Marsha Barton Photography.
9. Sticky Notes (Post It Notes)
Diet Mt. Dew is my friend. It helps me to stay awake and it just tastes so good. It is a state of emergency (ok maybe that is a bit dramatic) when we run out or come close.
So what are your top ten of the week, share and link up at Oh Amanda’s Tuesday Top Ten.
Love your list... I am a big post it fan too :)
ReplyDeleteHa! Diet Mt. Dew. That's my mom's fave, too. Great post. Love thankful posts. :)