Thursday, February 25, 2010

Congratulations! ~ Custom Crochet Flower Clip Winner

Congrats to AliciaMarie112 for winning a crochet flower hairclip from Mimi's Babies.  Visit AliciaMarie's blog at Making Time for Mommy.  {You don't want to miss it!}

Visit our Etsy Shop at Mimi's Babies to order your own crochet flower hairclip.

Thanks to everyone who entered and to all our Facebook fans.  Remember, we will have another giveaway when we reach 350 fans! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ Reading Daddy's Paper

Caleb told me that he was "Reading Daddy's Paper."  Ummm, yeah, Daddy is going to be so happy!

For more Wordless Wednesday fun, visit 5 Minutes for Mom.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday ~ I am Thankful!

Top Ten Tuesday is so much fun! Visit Oh Amanda for more Top Ten Tuesday Fun.

This week I have been contemplating what I could share with ya’ll. What top ten would be interesting? And fun. And informative. Well, maybe not too informative. And then I thought of it. A top ten Tuesday of thankfulness.

We are so very blessed. We have been given so much more than we will ever deserve so today, I want to share some of the things I am thankful for.

1. Salvation

The Bible tells us that “We love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. God loved us even before the world was formed. That is amazing and mind blowing to me. I am thankful everyday for my salvation and that Jesus died on the cross for me. Not because I did anything special, not because I am a good person, not because I give to others, just because He loves me. He loves you like that too, I hope you know.

2. My Husband

My husband, Josh, is a wonderful man. He enjoys taking the kids to extracurricular activities and practicing for baseball. He makes sure that everyone at our house is well taken care of. He works hard and goes to work even when he doesn’t want to. After almost 9 years of marriage, I love him more now than when I married him.

3. My Three Sons

My boys are all-boy, but they are good boys. I am thankful everyday for them and for the perspective they are teaching me. Each one is different and has the personality to prove it. They are such a blessing! :)

4. Birthdays

We are entering birthday season at my house. We have a birthday every month. Someone has a special day every month in our family. Right now, I am especially thankful for birthdays because there are only two options, either you are aging or you are dying. There is no pause button. We don’t get to stop where we are or rewind. Having a birthday means that you are moving forward.

5. Living Room Messes
If you come to my house unannounced (and some times if you give me warning), there will probably, most likely, almost definitely be toys scattered in the living room. We spend a lot of time together in the living room. The boys don’t play in their rooms alone a lot. They prefer to be in the living room. Building a railway, playing with blocks, throwing the ball (but if Mom is looking – rolling the ball), reading a book, or making a “house” behind the chair. These messes don’t aggravate me.

The boys will clean the living room when it is time, but for now, they are a constant reminder that our house is full of life. Life from three little people that will one day be grown men. When they are grown, I will have a clean living room, but for now, bring on the railroads, pretend houses, and legos.

6. Coupons

Snagging a deal makes me happy! When I have a coupon and there is a sale, it is exciting! Knowing that I paid less for a name brand than I would have for the store brand brings joy to my heart. Coupons make this possible. I enjoy matching coupons to sales, but I love to go to Southern Savers and make my printable shopping list. There are lots of other deal bloggers that I love to follow as well.

7. Online Friends

Thanks to the Internet, blogs, and Twitter, I have “met” some FABULOUS people! It is encouraging to hear from others and learn from their stories. Wanna chat on Twitter sometime – Join the conversation - @mimisbabiesetsy .

8. Marsha Barton Photography

Marsha Barton Photography is AMAZING! She takes amazing pictures and I love her motto - “You pick the spot…I’ll take the shot.” Her goal is to get away from the dry studio feel of most photographers. Marsha is a wonderful person and friend. I would highly recommend checking out her website. Most of the pictures in our Etsy Shop are from Marsha Barton Photography.

9. Sticky Notes (Post It Notes)

I.heart.sticky.notes. My desk and workspace are usually covered in them. Have an idea, jot it on a sticky note. Something important that I need to remember? Jot it on a sticky note. This is seriously a picture of my desk with my assortment of sticky notes. Going to the store? Write the list on a sticky note.

10. Diet Mt. Dew

Diet Mt. Dew is my friend. It helps me to stay awake and it just tastes so good. It is a state of emergency (ok maybe that is a bit dramatic) when we run out or come close.

So what are your top ten of the week, share and link up at Oh Amanda’s Tuesday Top Ten.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Custom Crochet Flower Hair Clip Giveaway

Woo Hoo!  We reached 200 fans on Facebook and would love to celebrate with a giveaway.  As promised, here you go. 

The winner will receive their choice of large crochet flower hairclip.  Just visit this listing in our Etsy Shop and leave a comment telling us which color you would love to have.  It's that simple. :)

The winner will be choosen randomly on Wednesday from the comments left. 

When we reach 350 fans, we will have another giveaway.  We would love for you to become a fan and be the first to find out about new products, colors, and giveaways!  Visit our Fan page and click Become a fan.  Share our fan page with your friends by clicking the Suggest to Friends, choosing the friends you want to share with, and then click Send Invitations.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a comment!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So Sweet

"So Sweet." That's what my sister in law thinks of this newborn bootie and hat set I made for her to give to a friend. Come to think of it, tiny baby hats and shoes are really sweet.
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Friday, February 19, 2010

Spring Beanies Are Here - Yippee!

Now that the snow has passed (i.e. the snow melted the day after it fell), we are ready to move on to Spring.  With Spring comes bright colors, Easter dresses, and warmer weather.  Bring it on!

This post includes lots of cuteness for little girls, but I don't want any boy Mommies to feel left out.  Here's a sneak peek secret - We will be carrying cotton newsboy visor hats in the shop soon. 
As most of you know, we have some really cute beanies in our Etsy shop that will keep your little one warm.  But now, we have some Spring beanies that are designed for cute!  They will keep your little one warm, but they are light and airy enough to wear on transition days when it is too cold for no hat, but too hot for a heavy one.

Our new Spring beanies are available now in blue, green, and bubblegum pink. More colors will be added.  These beanies are super stretchy and will fit from about 9 months - 8 years.  I tried them on all my boys, but please don't tell their Daddy. 

Headbands and Hairclips are available as well.  Here are some color combinations I made, but feel free to make your own with our new custom listings for nylon headbands and crochet headbands.

Want a hairclip to attach to a beanie or headband you have now?  Check out this Custom Crochet Flower Hairclip Listing.  Choose the flower color and/or button color.

Thanks for stopping by.   Leave a comment and let us know you were here. 


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Snow Day

So, today was a snow day.  Schools closed, roads closed, it was a snow day.   All of this for 1" of snow.  Only in Alabama.  Here are my top ten reasons for loving a snow day:

1.  Snow in Alabama usually means you get a day off, but never fear you will only be stuck for a day.

2.  It is a good reason for your almost 5 year old to wear his rain boots (as close as we get to snow boots).

3.  Tarfs - Need I say more?  Check out the inspiration behind the tarf at Counting my Pennies and Blessings.  Her son requested a tarf to match his beanie hat.

4.  Elmo Hats

5.  Beanies

6.  Snow Angels

7.  Snowball Fights - Although we spent a lot of time pulling grass and leaves out of the snow to make a snowball.

8.  Snowmen - Oh wait, you have to get more than 1" of snow to make a proper snowman...  Maybe next time...

9.  A good reason to go outside even though it is FREEZING!!!

10. A fun time with my sweet boys.

For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit Oh Amanda.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Custom Orders

At MimisBabies we love Custom Orders! This is an order for a special little lady who has a birthday in March. She has a sister to share her birthday month with named Grace. How sweet is that? Grace and Faith. Brings to mind a few verses, doesn't it? Eph. 2:8-9 says For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. And we would, wouldn't we? More on that soon.

Here are a couple of pics of Miss Faith's Birthday Shirt and Bloomers. So Cute!

Grace's outfit will be done sometime over the weekend. Stay tuned!

My Valentine Date

Well, it's Friday night and I have a date! He's a little bit short but what he lacks in height he makes up for in confidence! He's been working very hard. Already he has reprogrammed my new TV (hubs will be so proud!) then he had to make a few overseas phone calls. There are a few guys in China that he calls pretty regularly. Oh, and then there was a BIG job he had to take care of. There was some paperwork that had to be done after that job! Eeeewwwwwie! Then he had to check his email, and that's where I got the pic!

If only the cousins were here, they could teach him a few new tricks!!

Stay tuned for a really cute project I've been working on! Gotta go now, my date wants my attention!

Finer Things Friday ~ Routine


Routines are lifesavers.  They make it so that I don’t have to spend all morning reminding the boys to brush their teeth for the 567th time.  Or ask Andrew if he feed the cats on his way running out the door. 

Routines have saved me from completely losing my mind between raising three sons, loving on my husband, working, running an Etsy shop (had to fit in here somewhere – Ha!), and life in general.

Routines are great, but they have to be used and done so everyday.  I recommend starting small and building up.  At our house, the only routine that is used everyday is the morning routine.  Each morning the kids get up and do their “morning stuff.”  No nagging needed. 

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Here’s Andrew’s routine:

-Up (You are probably thinking Thank you, Captain Obvious, but you have to get up and do so on time!)

-Make Bed

-Brush Teeth

-Put away clean clothes

-Pick out clothes to wear


-Get dressed

-Feed cats

So for me, having a routine (especially a morning routine) is truly a Finer Thing!

To read about more Finer Things or to link up your own, visit Amy’s Finer Things.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hair Accessories

This is our first week of linking up to The Diaper Diaries - Things I Love Thursday and we are proud to share our hairclips and headbands. 

Although I have three boys, I love a good headband.  And flowers in a little girl's hair are just so cute!  So this week, I want to share my love of girly headbands and flowers.

Stretchy headbands are great!  They are stretchy enough to fit from baby/toddler to 8 years old.  Paired with a cute crochet flower hairclip they make a great accessory to any little girl's outfit.

Hair accessories have made their way to MiMi's Babies and we LOVE them. 

We now offer waffle weave crochet headbands in the following colors: 
  • White
  • Brown
  • Lavendar
  • Hot pink
  • Red
  • Pink
  • Black
  • Orange

We also have nylon stretchy headbands in the following colors: 
  • Hot pink
  • Lime
  • Brown
  • Red
  • White

The crochet flower hairclips can be made from almost any color.  I spent some time this week making small flowers to show the colors that we have available.  See a color you like? 

Thanks to Marsha Barton Photography for the wonderful pictures!
Thanks for stopping by!  Leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Be sure to stop by The Diaper Diaries for more Things I Love Thursday.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


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